Goblinproofing One's Chicken Coop - Hardcover Edition

Goblinproofing One's Chicken Coop
Hardcover Edition

Available from
Peculiar Parish

Red Wheel / Weiser
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Goblinproofing One's Chicken Coop - Paperback Edition
Goblinproofing One's Chicken Coop
Paperback Edition

** Winner of the 2013 Diagram Prize **

Information at Wonderella Printed

Is your hen cottage plagued by foul goblins?
Email photographic evidence to Reginald Bakeley

Lula Gave Her Life
Lula the Lucky Chicken (Dawn E.)

Reginald comments: The most tragic news I've received of late is of the demise of Lula the Lucky Chicken, who succumbed to what appears to be a goblin incursion at her home near Roswell, Georgia. A web page commemorating Lula's life and times has been established in her honour.

Changeling hatchlings (Ruth M.)

Reginald comments: This pair of twins hatched from a goblin egg in the Central Valley region of California. The "elf-shot" markings on their heads may look natural to those unfamiliar with changeling chickens, but they are a sure sign of goblin activity at this hapless smallholder's farm.